Tuesday, March 10, 2009

SQL layer for the Networking or Telecommunication protocol

As usual. I've just thought about this. I'm not sure if this is a good idea, it may be naive as well. I'm yet to search and confirm if there exists any solution already. I'll confirm with my friends shortly and update this. However anyone who reads this and knows about an existing software feature that provides this capability, please leave a comment.

The SQL being so simple yet powerful can be used for the network management and telecommunication protocols. We've observed that SNMP is being used to manage/notify some SQL-services. This can be just the reverse.

Rather than a command below
doSnmpGet {some switches} {someHost} {someCommunity} {someOID}

The following will be very simple (this can be made better)
SELECT some-oid FROM someSnmpTable WHERE host=someHost AND community=*****;

Rather than bulkget the following can be friendly
SELECT * FROM someSnmpTable WHERE host=someHost;

A similar thing can be tried for TL1 as well. In fact through adapters both can be managed using an SQL convenience layer.

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